Transportation Architecture, construction and design Astronomy Sugar and Chocolate InterCamera – Photographic studio Mining Metallurgy Chemistry Around Us Measurement of Time Printing Technology in the HomeTelevision studio
Pro neslyšící
Railroad depot Chomutov offers dozens of unique locomotives, wagons and other railway equipment. (april-october)
Centre of Building Heritage in the heart of region Plzeň North (april-october)
National Technical Museum commercials
National Technical Museum Kostelní 42, 170 78 Prague 7 Czech Republic
Monday: closed Tuesday - Sunday: 9AM - 6PM (including national holidays)
February 15, May 18, July 5, September 2, September 28, October 28, November 17, December 17
Admission fee
Visiting ore and coal mine
Národní technické muzeum Kostelní 42 170 78 Praha 7 Česká republika IČ: 00023299 DIČ: CZ00023299
NTM je příspěvková organizace Ministerstva kultury ČR