Architecture, Construction and Design

Model of Prašná brána (gate) school exhibition tool

A labyrinth of architectural styles

The Museum of Architecture and Civil Engineering presents the major architectural feats in the Czech lands from the second half of the 19th century to the present. Visitors can acquaint themselves here with engineering elements in construction, with the technology for building chain bridges, with the iron construction of roofs and truss bridges. In short, one is provided insight into the most important buildings and the characteristic features of various orders and styles – Historicist architecture, Art Nouveau, Modernism, Cubism, Constructivism, Functionalism to Socialist Realism and the mass prefab housing projects of the 1960s. Both original as well as completely new architecture models, including sculpture supplements, numerous studies, plans and photographs characterizing the various stylistic stages and informing of the great figures of Czech architecture (J. Zítek, J. Kotěra, J. Gočár, Sial) are exhibited here.
The exhibit offers a pleasant visit to an Art Nouveau and Cubist setting, providing the chance to sample the atmosphere of that age. Visitors can visit architect offices from the 19th and 20th century or be reminded of the success of the Czechoslovak Pavilion at Expo 58 in Brussels.When comes to section of design in the museum can be found a representative collection of lamps and lighting devices.


Model of Prašná brána (gate) school exhibition tool
Model of Cubistic column with lamp from 1912-1913 by Emil Králíček
on the left original cubistic window from Chotek's mansion under the Vyšehrad from 1911-1912
Insight into "gallery" part of the exposition
Overwiev of Cubism part of the exposition
Part of the exposition devoted to 19th century architecture
Seccesion relax zone with statue made by František Serafínský Hnátek from beggining 20th century - called "Oklamaná" (tricked)
Drawing wardrobe of architect Josef Zídek
Architect's atelier - 20. century - with card file of architect Pavel Janák
Orignila cubistic window from mansion under the Vyšehrad from 1911-1912 designed by Josef Chochol
Insight into Funcionalism part of Exposition with model of main administrative building of Baťa's Company so called "21" in Zlín from 1937-1938
Insight into Funcionalism part of expozition with St. Venceslav Church designed by Josef Gočár in Prague - Vršovice from let 1929-1930
Model of service house of Baťa's company oin Kobližná street in Brno from 1930-1932 - made by Vladimír Karfík
Model of mansion designed by Vít Obrtel from 1931-1935 and model of so called „Řopíku“, Steelconcrete fortress of light border defence system from 1937
Model of cubistic Fár's house in Pelhřimov from 1913