14.6.2019 - British Film Fest - Spitfire - film projection at National Technical Museum 3:00 pm

14.6.2019 - British Film Fest - Spitfire - film projection at National Technical Museum 3:00 pm

Dear visitors,

on the opportunity of the 100th anniversary of the British embassy in Prague, we kindly invite you to attend film projection - Spitfire. The projection takes place at the conference room of the National Technical Museum on Friday 14th June at 3:00 pm.

You may find more details by opening this topic.


There approximately 100 places in the conference room and there is no need to make a special reservation. You may attend the projection by buying a ticket to the Museum by admission fee regulations. Before or after the projection you may visit our transportation hall to the real Spitfire on your own. You may also visit the rest of our expositions. For any of your questions about the Spitfire, our expert Michal Plavec curator of aircraft collection of NTM will be at your disposal.

This event is part of the Film is Great festival.