The National Technical Museum is opened from 19 May 2020

The National Technical Museum is opened from 19 May 2020

Dear visitors, the National Technical Museum is reopening for you its expositions, which were temporarily closed in connection with the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

The main building of the NTM in Prague: from 19.5.2020 / Tuesday - Sunday / 9:00 - 18:00
NTM Centre for Building Heritage in Plasy: from 26.5.2020 / Tuesday - Sunday / 9:00 - 17:00
Railway depository NTM Chomutov: from 5.6.2020 / Friday - Sunday / 9:00 - 17:00

We ask all visitors to comply with the currently valid regulations of the Government of the Czech Republic, which aim to reduce the risk of spreading the COVID 19 virus.

Thank you for your understanding.

We look forward to see you soon.