Take part in our competitions

Friday, 2015, January 23 (All day)
Take part in our competitions

The National Technical Museum in Prague organizes two international contests for high school students. You can compete in two disciplines: building a functional model of Stirling engine and building a steam engine.

The aim of both competitions is to improve practical skills of students and strenghten their relationship with teachers and parents. You can compete in two disciplines:

Make your Stirling engine yourself
The goal is to build functional model of Stirling engine that wil reach the highest number of turnings.

Make your steam engine youself
The mail goal is to build a steam engine actuated by ordinary pressure cooker. The participants will obtain simple assembly instructions.

The competition is organized by: National Technical Museum in Prague and Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering Betlémská

For financial support we thank to following institutions: Prague City Hall, Platform for Cooperation between Schools and Practice, HVM Plasma, SKF Company