June 4th – November 30th, 2014 "Our ocean..." Austro-Hungarian wartime navy

Wednesday, 2014, June 4 (All day)
June 4th – November 30th, 2014 "Our ocean..." Austro-Hungarian wartime navy
Exhibition offers a look into the daily life of a sailor during the Great War, both aboard ship and on land. Sea duty or service in shipyards was nothing unusual for Czech recruits. Visitors are able to see for themselves, through a rich selection of photographs of warships, the fascination these colossal military machines held for contemporary central European citizens.

 A large space is dedicated to presenting technological progress, both in construction and in arming of warships. To aid in this, visitors are able to examine technical drawings, from both naval design offices and our own shipbuilders, the Škoda shipyards, and compare them with models of Austro-Hungarian naval vessels, as well as other collection objects depicting daily shipboard life, and weaponry used in naval battles. The history of the wartime navy is presented via period photographs, engravings, oil paintings and preserved artefacts from sailors who served on the ships, and even some authentic weapons and equipment. There are also interactive displays, intended to present the history of the Austro-Hungarian wartime navy to the imaginations of even the youngest visitors.

The exhibition "Our Ocean" is part of the "Great War" series, commemorating the 100-year anniversary of the commencement of World War I. More information about the project can be found on the site: www.velkavalka.cz.

June 4th – November 30th, 2014 "Our ocean..." Austro-Hungarian wartime navy