31. 8. – 1. 9. 2013 - Access of railway depository at the National Technical Museum in Chomutov in 2013.
31.07.2013 — adusek
Saturday, 2013, August 31 (All day)
Railway Museum of National Technical Museum invites visitors to the event of disclosure railway depository NTM in Chomutov. Access of railway depository at National Technical Museum in Chomutov will be in cooperation with Museum of Czech Railways (ČD). Because of the action From The Museum To The Museum a special train, which will ride from Museum ČD in Lužná to Chomutov (more: http://www.cdmuzeum.cz/muzeum/kalendar-akci-muzea/-6424/). The depositary will be accessible everyday from 10:00 am to 17:00 pm. The depositary is accessible from the parking OC Globus in Černovická street (in attached plan).