The legacies and personal archives of prominent Czech architects, supplemented by other resources, form the basis of the NTM's Architecture Archive, containing over 130 individual collections. Stylistically this begins with the period of historicism, and chronologically includes the period from the mid 19th century to present, spanning Bohemia and Moravia with a predominance of Prague materials. The archive documents come in a diverse range of forms – sketches, drawings, plans, photographs, negatives, correspondence, personal documents, company documents and brochures.
y represented are the periods of historicist styles (Josef Zítek, Josef Schulz, Antonín Wiehl, Antonín Viktor Barvitius), Art Nouveau (Jan Kotěra, Josef Fanta, Alois Dryák, Jan Koula, Bohumil Hubschmann), Czech cubism (Pavel Janák, Josef Gočár) and especially the period between the wars beginning with purism (Vít Obrtel, Evžen Linhart, Bedřich Feuerstein) and culminated with functionalism (Jan Gillar, Oldřich Tyl, Kamil Roškot, Josef Štěpánek, Pavel Janák, Josef Gočár, Otakar Novotný and others). From the more recent period and present the NTM acquired the legacy of Otto Rothmayer, Plečnik’s most important student, and the SIAL studio in Liberec. The index of architects is the primary organizational principle of the catalogue of processed collections.