Exposition "Legacy of architect and benefactor Josef Hlávka" at the castle in LužanyAn absolutely unique exposition, dedicated to the legacy of the architect and benefactor Josef Hlávka, is found in the castle of Lužany u Přeštic. It concludes the tour of the current castle, which belonged to Josef Hlávka in the years 1869-1908. A fortunate set of circumstances allowed this castle to be preserved in authentic form, including indoor furnishings from 1908, the year of the death of this significant architect, builder and benefactor. The exposition titled "Legacy of architect and benefactor Josef Hlávka" is divided into several independent parts. The first is dedicated primarily to Hlávka's beneficent activities. His last will and testament from 1904 are displayed, in which he established the Josef, Maria and Zdeněk foundation. This foundation is the only one in central Europe that has continued its function from 1904 through the present. The second part of the exposition shows guests, who accepted Hlávka's invitation to his Lužany castle. Foremost is the sojourn by Antonín Dvořák, who composed a mass in D-minor, which he named "Lužanská", for the consecration of the local chapel. The third and final part of the exposition is devoted to Hlávka's work as an architect. The center of attention is held by his most notable work - the grounds of a Greek-Orthodox bishopric in Černovice na Bukovině (formerly part of the Austro-Hungarian empire, today in the Ukrainian Republic). The exposition in the Lužany castle is a creation of the National Technical Museum in cooperation with the Josef, Maria and Zdeněk foundation in 2004. It is possible to visit upon making arrangements with the Josef, Maria and Zdeněk foundation - tel. 224 947 691; 224 948 752 or e-mail: josefhlavka@volny.cz.