Railroad museum of Czech Railways in Lužná u Rakovníka

parní lokomotivy 387.043 (Škoda, 1937), 534.0301 (Škoda, 1945) a 434.2298 (VNM, 1914, reko 1940) před vraty kruhové výtopny, sbírka ŽM NTM

The railroad museum of Czech railways in Lužná u Rakovníka is the largest railroad museum in the Czech Republic. The exposition is housed in the halls of the former heating plant of the Buštěhrad Railways of Lužná – Lišany. The preserved historical building is right next to the Lužná u Rakovníka railroad depot on the Prague – Chomutov line, constructed and put into service during the years 1863 – 1871.

The museum today encompasses the former heating plant from 1871, the depot with rotunda, the roundhouse, coal-loading machinery and assembly halls, completed in 1924, to which a large diesel locomotive repair shop was added in the 1980s. Operation of the depot was halted in 1996 and almost simultaneously, groups of enthusiasts began working here, whose goal was not only to build a new railroad exposition, but also to renovate and operate steam locomotives, as well as other historic railroad machinery. These activities led in 1999 to the adoption of the grounds by Czech Railways and the official founding of the railroad museum. Today the museum is a part of the Depot of Historical Vehicles, which ensures operation, maintenance and repairs of museum vehicles of the Czech Railways. The railroad museum of the National Technical Museum also loaned the Lužná museum ten vehicles. Among them are the functional steam locomotive M 124.001 Komárek, steam locomotive # 434.1100 and narrow-gauge industrial steam locomotive 800 B 50 # 7.

Depot of historical vehicles ČD, a. s.
Železniční muzeum ČD Lužná u Rakovníka
ul. 9. května 255, 270 51 Lužná u Rakovníka
tel./fax: +420 313 537 700
tel. ČD: +420 672 251 036
GPS coordinates: 50°8´43.996˝N, 13°46´31.997˝E (Google maps)
E-mail: info@cdmuzeum.cz
Web: http://www.cdmuzeum.cz


správní budova bývalého depa Českých drah v Lužné u Rakovníka parní lokomotivy 354.7152 (PČM, 1917) a 423.094 (ČKD, 1928) ze sbírky KHKD tendrová parní lokomotiva 354.195 (ČMK, 1925) krátce po opravě, ČD