
Online catalogs:

  • electronic catalog  – contains monographs, periodicals, journal and magazine articles, special types of documents including old prints. This includes all books printed from 1990 onwards, which are found in the National Technical Museum Library. As time permits, in recent years this is being expanded to include historical volumes. The catalog includes journal articles and almanacs from 2000 onwards. All records are maintained in the library system Clavius.
  • catalog of currently subscribed magazines

Card catalog:

  • catalog by author – contains records of volumes arranged by author name or by the first word in the title (if the volume has more than three authors, or if the author is unknown);
  • catalog by subject – contains records of volumes arranged by the international Dewey Decimal cataloging system. This catalog is available in the study;
  • periodical catalog – contains records of journals and periodicals in the National Technical Museum Library, arranged by title. The catalog contains information about which editions of a given journal the library actually owns;
  • bibliographic catalog by name – contains records of articles from periodicals arranged by author name or by the first word in the title (if the author is unknown);
  • bibliographic catalog by subject – contains records of articles from periodicals arranged by a proprietary key. Lookups in this catalog are done by the library staff;
  • old print catalog – contains around 2000 records of old prints, printed up to the year 1800, themed primarily on astronomy, geodetics, mathematics, mining, metallurgy, chemistry and alchemy.

Catalogs of other libraries

References to catalogs of other libraries from all over the Czech Republic with a similar thematic content: