The National Technical Museum Library is a specialized library, which offers basic library and informational services according to library law, as well as other special public and library services.
Attendance loans
All library materials are available for perusal solely in the library's study. Only museum personnel may remove library materials for study elsewhere.
Inter-library loans
The library will arrange loans from other institutions in ČR for museum employees (from foreign institutions, only with the assistance of the National Library) via the inter-library loan system. At the same time, the library makes its own material available to other institutions via the same system (MVS).
Reprographic services
The library provides reprographic services for researchers. The library staff will determine if materials may no longer be copied, due to the threat of damage, infringement on copyright law, rarity of the material and so on.
Informational and bibliographic services
The library provides oral, telephone and written information of bibliographic and factographic character, information about catalogs, bases, funds and their accessibility.
Research services
The National Technical Museum Library will undertake research on given subjects with the aid of catalogs, card files and sources available in the library, including Internet-accessible databases.