Collections of the Museum of Architecture and Civil Engineering

DA studio - a model of the National Museum of Science and Technology in Prague (NMVT), nerealizováno, 1987

The collections of the Museum of Architecture and Civil Engineering map the history of both Czech and Czechoslovak architecture and Civil Engineering. Ever since the inception of the museum club in 1908, these collections have been amassed in the Technical Museum and during this time have gone through considerable development and transformations. Two basic wholes – the architecture collection and the Civil Engineering collection – gradually crystallised from the original smaller collection groups (architecture, urbanism, road engineering, hydraulic engineering, sewerage, waterworks engineering, gas engineering, building construction)

The systematic care of the unique collection of archival documents was commenced in 1942 primary thanks to Zdeněk Wirth, Ladislav Machoň and Vincenc Beer. The Archive of Architecture and Civil Engineering which was created was originally called the Archive of Czech Architectural Work. Later, archive materials documenting the development of Civil Engineering (originally recorded as part of the Civil Engineering collection) were incorporated in the archive as well.
•  Architecture collection
  Civil Engineering collection
•  Architecture, Civil Engineering and Design exhibit