Acta historiae rerum naturalium necnon technicarum (nová řada)

1. Science and technology in Rudolfinian time. Prague 1997 rozebráno

2. Mysterium cosmographicum 1596 – 1996. Praha 1998 Rozebráno.

3. 1929 Calculi 1999 (sborník k 70. narozeninám L. Nového). Praha 1999 Rozebráno.

4. Beginnings of Electricity Research. Praha 2000 Rozebráno.

5. Computing Technology, past & future. Praha 2002 Rozebráno.

6. Bibliography of History of Science and technology in the Czech Pepublic 1989 – 2001. ed. E. Těšínská. Praha 2002 Rozebráno

7. Bibliography of History of Science and technology in the Czech Pepublic 1989 – 2001. ed. E. Těšínská. Praha 2002 Rozebráno.

obálka 8. Science In Contact at the Beginning Of scientific Revolution. Praha 2004. (with CD-ROM)

obálka Objednat9. What to do with the 20th century in the history of science and technology. Praha 2007

obálka 10. Hadravová, Alena – Mahoney, Terence J. – Hadrava, Petr: Kepler´s Heritage in the Space Age Praha 2010,186 s., ISBN 978-80-7037-193-0