Older news

Dear visitors, On the occasion of the anniversary of reopening National Technical Museum (15. 2. 2011). On 15.2.2020 will be reduced admission fee - 50CZK.

Dear visitors,

On Friday 24th due to maintenance and managing technical issues the NTM closes on 15:00.

Thank you for understanding.

On the occasion of the anniversary of Václav Havel's death. On 18.12.2019 will be reduced admission fee - 50CZK.

Dear visitors,

On Wednesday 11th due to maintenance and managing technical issues the NTM closes on 17:00.

Thank you for understanding.

Opening hour of NTM are changed during Christmas holidays. Information about current changes are avaiable by opening this article.in your browser.

Archives and Library are closed from 20th December 2022 to 2nd January 2023.

Dear visitors,

we invite you to conference Science, Occupation, War 1939 - 1945.
The opening ceremony is held in Villa Lanna on adress V sadech 1, 160 00, Prague 6 on 23rd October. Conference continues in National Technical Museum from 24th to 25th October 2019.

By using this link you can download programme of the conference in pdf.

Dear visitors,

on Tuesday 26th November 2019 due to managing operational and technical matters the Museum closes at 5:00pm.

Thank you for your understanding.


The exhibition is located in the 1st foyer of the Museum and presents 11th annual of architecture competition YOUNG ARCHITECKaWARD 2019 - PRIZE FOR YOUNG AND STARTING ARCHITECTS

The competition is for students and architects below 33 years of age and the recent topic was "Housing".

Dear visitors, on the occasion of Czech Statehood Day you may on 28th September visit National Technical Museum for a price of 50 CZK per person. This reduced admission is available for Main building on Letná in Prague, NTM Centre of Building Heritage in Plasy and Railway depositary of NTM in Chomutov.

Dear visitors,

on 26th September the National Technical Museum - main building on Letná - closes on 5:00 pm. The last visitors will be allowed to enter the museum on 4:30pm. Thank you for understanding.