Older newsThe exhibition presents historical, architectural and constructional context of the Nusle Bridge. In February of 2013, the bridge celebrated its 40th anniversary. The exhibition reveals that it is more than a segment of an important transportation arterial. Exhibition of winning books from 2013. 20. 9. 2014 – National Technical Museum takes part in the celebrations of Prague 7 130th anniversary
National Technical Museum hosts several events on the occasion of the anniversary. Guided tours of „50 year anniversary of Škoda 1000 MB“ exhibition will be held at 14.00, 15.00, 16.00 (in Czech). Exhibition is dedicated to the life and work of extraordinarily well-educated inventor Slovenian Janez Puhar, who was born on 26th August 1814. Considering his contribution to the development of photographic science, the year 2014 is declared as Puhar˙s year. In connection with the opening of a new exhibition, we would like to invite you to a lecture dedicated to the life extraordinarily well-educated inventor Slovenian Janez Puharich, who was born on 26th August 1814. Admission to the lecture is free. Lecture will be held in Slovenian with czech translation.
The exhibition will open Sept. 5, 2014. This exhibit, commemorating 50 years from the commencement of the Škoda 1000 MB production, is newly opened in the 'History of Transportation' exhibition of the National Technical Museum. Exhibition offers a look into the daily life of a sailor during the Great War, both aboard ship and on land. Sea duty or service in shipyards was nothing unusual for Czech recruits. Visitors are able to see for themselves, through a rich selection of photographs of warships, the fascination these colossal military machines held for contemporary central European citizens. The exhibition Music in a Spiral uses the museum's electro-technical and media collections to present the development of the gramophone industry in Czech and Moravian territories during the years 1890-2014. The primary focus of the exhibit is on consumer reproduction technology, meaning gramophones and phonographs, of which there are eighty pieces on display. Additionally, there are displays of media development, from the oldest tin film sheets, wax cylinders and shellac disks, through vinyl singles and long-play albums, up through modern digital recording media. The exhibit in the National Technical Museum's small gallery is an exposition of architecture, construction and design. The exhibition showcases the timeless beauty and current state of ten baroque churches in Broumov, and is more than just a documentary. Color photographs by Jan Zališ bring us detailed views of both interiors and exteriors of the structures, built during the relatively short time span of 1709-1743, according to plans by renowned baroque architect and builder Kryštof Dientzhofer and his son, Kilián Ignác Dientzhofer. The exhibition was prepared by the National Technical Museum in cooperation with the civil association Omnium, which cares for and administers the actual churches. Technique of manual drying This method is rather laborious, but very effective. Its main advantages are: